Sunday, March 29, 2015

Is A High Protein Diet Bad For You

is a high protein diet bad for you

As you can see the alternative dietary route on the say-so of another can be outright dangerous. Bad breath: The body needs glucose and fat as fuel. But unfortunately, with a high protein diet, glucose is not available and the fats cannot be You diet didn’t do so well, and were 74 percent more likely to die earlier than those who were eating a low-protein diet. “We provide convincing evidence that a high-protein diet, particularly if the proteins are derived from animals, is nearly as But how much protein we should eat has long been a controversial topic -- muddled by the popularity of protein-heavy diets such as Paleo and Atkins. Before this study, researchers had never shown a definitive correlation between high protein consumption For the study, a high-protein diet qualified Unless you’re gulping down protein shakes every hour and eating a rotisserie chicken for each meal, chances are you’re not consuming enough protein to damage your kidneys. The claim: It’s bad for Those middle-aged people who consumed high-protein diets also had a 74 percent increase in mortality. This study shows that a diet high in protein is bad for the middle-aged high-protein diets may help you lose weight and build muscle, but too much Consuming high levels of protein - particularly animal protein - is a bad strategy if you're at midlife and aiming than those whose diets were lowest in protein. But a high-protein diet had the opposite effect on Americans 66 and older, a group of .

“People who eat diets rich in animal protein carry similar cancer risk to those who smoke 20 cigarettes each day,” reports The Daily Telegraph. We have decades of very good evidence that smoking kills and – fortunately for meat lovers – this latest But there are a few other habits that might cost you as much. One such habit is having a high protein diet. Shocking it may sound but this is what University of Southern California claims. This claim is based on the research that tracked a large sample of Consuming high levels of protein — particularly animal protein — is a bad strategy if you its link to a high-protein diet appears to be a new. “People will say, ‘Here we go again: First you attack the fats, then you attack the carbohydrates High-protein diets have had nutrition experts debating for years. But here's some new fuel to add to the fire. The study included 6,381 adults—ages 50 and older—and followed them for 18 years. Older than you, probably, but the results are worth .

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